
Weekly Services
Sundays 10.30am
(Communion usually 1st Sunday of each month)
Online Worship:
We are continuing to provide a zoom link for Sunday morning worship for those wishing to worship at home; if you would like the zoom link, please email or ring 0161 428 7463.
Alternatively, click here for worship resources - provided by the Methodist Church - that can be used at home.
If you wish to enquire about having a wedding at Trinity Cheadle, please contact the minister:
Following the URC and Methodist Churches taking the national decision to welcome same-sex marriages, Trinity Church voted to register the building and Louise would be delighted to conduct your marriage service.
Louise is experienced in working with couples who wish to get married in church, and loves helping people to create a personal and meaningful service for their special day.
Before the big day, it will be necessary to meet with Louise several times to arrange the service, and as part of that to reflect on the meaning of marriage.
You can read more about the legal requirements for marriage here:

If you wish to have your child baptised or a Thanksgiving Service, or if you are seeking baptism yourself, please contact the minister for more information:
There are many reasons for wanting your child to be Baptised, or wanting to be Baptised yourself. These can include a desire to profess the Christian faith, a need to celebrate and affirm life, an opportunity to bring friends and family together for a celebration.
Louise is happy to discuss Baptism with you, and also offers the option of having a Thanksgiving/Naming Service.
Baptisms usually take place during morning worship on Sundays (10.30am) but in special circumstances, alternative arrangements can be made. The service plan for each Sunday is made several months in advance, so please give us plenty of notice if you want to organise a Baptism.
Louise will then enjoy planning a personal service with you.
If you wish to arrange a funeral, please contact the minister for more information:
Louise has a wide range of experience in leading funeral services, and is very happy to work with you to help you create the service you want for your loved one, whether at Trinity Church followed or preceded by a service at a Crematorium or Cemetery, or just at a Crematorium.
She is passionate about making the service personal, and is happy to include words and music, and any special touches to help which will help you to remember and celebrate your loved one.

Trinity Cheadle has an organ and piano and music is also supplied via digital hymnal. There is a contemporary singing group, Trinity Spirit who do the occasional service.
If you would like more information, please contact the minister